October 22-23, 2024 | Atlanta, Georgia USA
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strong>Salon 1 [clear filter]
Tuesday, October 22

11:15am EDT

The Power Duo: How Maintainers and Contributors Enhance Open Source - Aishat Muibudeen, AsyncAPI Initiative
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 11:25am EDT
My presentation aims to explain the crucial roles of maintainers and contributors in securing open-source software. The primary objective is to highlight how effective collaboration between these roles ensures open-source projects' quality, usability, and sustainability. The ultimate goal is to empower newcomers and seasoned contributors to take active roles in maintaining and improving the sustainability of open-source software. Drawing from my experiences within various open-source communities, I will emphasize the profound impact of collaborative efforts on project success.
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Aishat Muibudeen

Design Maintainer, Technical Steering Committee (TSC) & Code of Conduct Committee, AsyncAPI Initiative
Aishat is a skilled Product Designer and UX Researcher with about three years of experience in Open Source? She is also a Technical Steering Committee (TSC), Design Maintainer and part of the Code of Conduct Committee at the AsyncAPI Initiative, where she plays a crucial role in achieving... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 11:25am EDT
Salon 1

11:30am EDT

Continuous Assurance of Supply Chain Security Levels of Open Source Artifacts using SLSA 0.1 - Krithika Venugopal & Raj Krishnamurthy, ComplianceCow
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:30am - 11:40am EDT
How end users can do a reasonable verification of the SLSA provenance produced by trusted build systems to protect against threats like build from modified source, compromised build process and downloading modified packages
avatar for Raj Krishnamurthy

Raj Krishnamurthy

Product Architect, ComplianceCow
27+ years in software development, product engineering and product management building distributed, enterprise software at cloud scale.
avatar for Krithika Venugopal

Krithika Venugopal

Software Engineer, ComplianceCow
Software Engineer with 17 years of experience in .NET, Java, Go Python and security GRC middleware
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:30am - 11:40am EDT
Salon 1

11:45am EDT

QEMU-Native Hooking Bridge for Binary Fuzzing - Subhojeet Mukherjee, Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:45am - 11:55am EDT
Fuzz testing of compiled binary code is imperative when source code is not available. AFLplusplus is a popular fuzzer, responsible for discovering several vulnerabilities in open/closed source software. While fuzzing, AFLplusplus acquires code coverage feedback by emulating the target binary in QEMU usermode, thereby supporting architecture neutral fuzzing as well. There is however no native instruction hooking and memory control support in QEMU. Albeit, having such ability can greatly benefit binary fuzz testing by patching/fixing roadblock locations that lead to long-running fuzzing campaigns. The current solution is a pythonic wrapper, UNICORN, on QEMU that is understandably slow and, more importantly, requires significant configuration to avail features that are enabled by default in AFLplusplus's raw QEMU mode. In this lightning talk, we will touch upon the QEMU native hooking bridge [https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus/tree/stable/qemu_mode/hooking_bridge]. We will briefly go over its design and implementation. We will then describe its usage with one or more examples. Furthermore, we will demonstrate its superiority over AFLplusplus's UNICORN mode.
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Subhojeet Mukherjee

Researcher, Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Subhojeet Mukherjee is a researcher in embedded systems security. He received his PhD from Colorado State University, researching on security aspects of in-vehicle networks in medium and heavy-duty vehicles. Currently, at Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd., he researches efficient testing... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:45am - 11:55am EDT
Salon 1

12:00pm EDT

Innovate Fast, Operate Securely: AI-Powered Protection for Containerized Workloads - Rick Bosworth, SentinelOne
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm EDT
Vulnerabilities hidden within open source libs raises risk for containerized workloads. Runtime protection is needed, even for ephemeral applications, because automated attacks spread in seconds. Join SentinelOne as we demonstrate AI-powered threat protection and discuss its place in a CNAPP strategy. By combining agentless insights spanning asset discovery, CSPM, vulnerability management, and more, with the stopping power of a runtime agent, multi-cloud organizations are best equipped to accelerate and secure innovation at scale.
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Rick Bosworth

Innovative Cloud Security Leader, SentinelOne
As a former product manager, Rick Bosworth brings an uncommon technical perspective to enterprise GTM strategy and execution. At SentinelOne, his cloud security focus spans cloud workload protection, CSPM, KSPM, and CNAPP. When he is not launching new products or working with customers... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm EDT
Salon 1

2:00pm EDT

Is Diversity the Top Ingredient in Your SBOM? - Rao Lakkakula & Tunji Taiwo, JPMorgan Chase
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Diversity plays a pivotal role in enhancing the security of open-source software. By involving contributors from various backgrounds, infusing different cultures, educational paths, and professional experiences, the open-source community benefits from a broad spectrum of perspectives. This diversity leads to a more comprehensive identification of potential vulnerabilities, as contributors bring unique approaches to problem-solving and threat analysis. In this talk Rao Lakkakula and Tunji M Taiwo, go over how diversity fosters a more inclusive and collaborative environment, encouraging more individuals to participate and contribute. In essence, diversity in open-source software development is not just a matter of equity and representation; it is a critical factor in creating robust, secure, and resilient software systems while driving innovation and growth within the broader open-source ecosystem.
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Rao Lakkakula

Senior Director, JPMorgan Chase
Rao Lakkakula is Senior Director of Security Engineering at JPMorgan Chase with focus on developer security. Rao has 20+ years of expertise in security and software development with roles spanning from strategy, engineering, risk management, and business intelligence. His prior experience... Read More →
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Tunji Taiwo

Executive Director, JPMorganChase
Tunji Taiwo is an Executive Director of cybersecurity Global Architecture & Engineering at JPMorganChase. With over 25+ years of IT experience and proven expertise in designing, building, and operating robust cybersecurity strategies to safeguard organizations from cyber threats... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Salon 1

3:10pm EDT

Living with and Leveraging GCC - James Lowden & Bob Dubner, Symas Corporation
Tuesday October 22, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
The GCC steering committee has accepted our project to add COBOL to GCC. This is our story of learning how to interact with a hoary, established project and (we hope) make a significant contribution.
avatar for Bob Dubner

Bob Dubner

Software Architect, Symas Corporation
Started programming 57 years ago. FORTRAN on supercomputers; assembly on minicomputers; machine language on embedded processors; electrical engineering degree; video graphics hardware for broadcast television; C device drivers for same; strong crypto in casino slot machines; USB gadgetry... Read More →
avatar for James Lowden

James Lowden

Senior Architect, Symas Corporation
James spent the first 30 years of his career on Wall Street in application programming, database design, and quantitative research. Now he's in pure technology, building compilers and systems for other programmers. After decades in Manhattan, his work life is now fully virtual, and... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 3:10pm - 3:40pm EDT
Salon 1

4:10pm EDT

Exploiting Trust: The Dark Side of Git - Neil Naveen
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Most of us trust Git’s security features—signed commits and tags, strict access controls, and robust verification processes—to protect our codebases, even if the Git host is compromised. We rely on practices like ensuring merge commits are signed by trusted authorities, requiring feature branch commits to come from a single user, and having multiple users with appropriate authority levels verify each merge.

But what if I told you that a malicious attacker could still introduce harmful code into a repository, manipulate signed tags, and roll back patches—all without breaking a single signature or triggering any alarms?

In this talk, we will demonstrate how easily an attacker can execute these malicious actions, bypassing all the supposed security measures. You’ll witness firsthand how undetectable these changes can be, highlighting a critical and often overlooked vulnerability in Git.

We will also introduce gittuf, an up-and-coming tool from the OpenSSF project that can mitigate these risks with a decentralized key management permission-based verification system.
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Neil Naveen

Highschool, Highschool
Neil Naveen is an 9th grader in the US who is passionate about jiu-jitsu, solving Leetcode problems, a book author, and an active contributor to supply chain security projects. https://leetcode.com/neilnaveen/ https://github.com/neilnaveen/
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:10pm - 4:40pm EDT
Salon 1

4:45pm EDT

Credentials 201: Demystifying Identity Federation - Billy Lynch, Chainguard
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:45pm - 5:15pm EDT
OIDC, STS, Workload Identity, Identity Federation. These concepts are often pointed to as best practices for managing CI/CD and other machine identities. They allow you to reduce the risks of long lived credentials by moving to short lived, workload specific identities. But how do they work? In this talk, we'll do a deep dive into each of these topics and how they relate to each other. We'll walk through the practical steps of using identity federation in your own workloads - how tokens are constructed, how they are verified, how they can be exchanged to be compatible across different hosted services, and what policies you may want to enforce on identity federation to keep your resources secure. You'll come away from this talk with a deeper understanding of identity federation and how it works, and hopefully with some ideas for how you can use it in your own environments to improve your security!
avatar for Billy Lynch

Billy Lynch

Staff Software Engineer, Chainguard
Billy is a staff software engineer at Chainguard, working on developer tools and securing software supply chains for everyone! He is an active contributor and maintainer to the Sigstore, Tekton, and gittuf projects, and is the creator of Sigstore Gitsign.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:45pm - 5:15pm EDT
Salon 1

5:20pm EDT

Validating Validations - Who's Watching the Watcher? - Megan Wolf, Defense Unicorns
Tuesday October 22, 2024 5:20pm - 5:50pm EDT
This session will focus on the validation of kubernetes webhook controllers. Currently, testing of these types of controllers is largely the onus of the developers. While the standard unit and end-to-end tests may be sufficient for rolling out a product, the other half of the responsibility lays on the user to independently validate these controllers in their environment. The intent is to lay out a framework that supports how end-users may interrogate these controllers to validate their behaviors, particularly with respect to how that behavior satisfies various controls, e.g., regulated standards or best practices. Our framework looks at using an open source tool, Lula, to add cluster resources, measure the response of the controller, and output a validation of the controller's behavior. The result is a repeatable and scalable evaluation of webhook controllers. This evaluation becomes more critical as environments scale and more complex admission/mutation is introduced. These controllers are often performing critical security functions in the environment and should be continually monitored and evaluated for their efficacy, particularly as the system they exist in evolves.
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Megan Wolf

Software Engineer, Defense Unicorns
Megan is a software engineer at Defense Unicorns, focused on helping solve software challenges for the DoD. Her primary role is a developer on the Lula open source tool which enables faster and more robust evaluation of system compliance to various controls and standards.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 5:20pm - 5:50pm EDT
Salon 1
Wednesday, October 23

10:35am EDT

Assessing Open Source Software Projects in the Software Supply Chain - Scott Hissam, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute & Joshua "CoCo" Crisp, Unified Platform (USCYBERCOM)
Wednesday October 23, 2024 10:35am - 11:05am EDT
The US Department of Defense, like many industrial, academic, and government institutions across the world, are intricately dependent on open source software and seek concrete means to objectively assess the trustworthiness of not only the products of the OSS ecosystem but also the processes enacted by projects to produce that software. One such DoD project, Unified Platform, is developing techniques to evaluate publicly available information from OSS projects to determine the risk levels associated with using the open source software, both now and in the future. Current efforts are concentrating on evaluating a project’s processes, policies, and practices. This includes leveraging tools such as MITRE’s Hipcheck, the Open Source Security Foundation’s Scorecard, and other sources to support Unified Platform's Software Approval Process and Software Supply Chain Practices. This presentation will cover how these techniques are providing the insight needed by this DoD project to address emerging DoD guidance in the use of open source software.
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Joshua Crisp

Chief Information Security Officer, Unified Platform (USCYBERCOM)
Unified Platform Chief Information Security Officer supporting USCYBERCOM and JCWA. I've spent a little over 5 years supporting Unified Platform capabilities for cybersecurity, cloud infrastructure, cybersecurity for Air Force's Platform One program (IronBank, BigBang, PartyBus... Read More →
avatar for Scott Hissam

Scott Hissam

Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
Based in San Antonio, TX where I manage and coordinate local staff and technical activities in support of and DoD organizations. I am also a technical lead/program manager, leading research to practice in software engineer and software technology for acquisition and sustainment of... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 10:35am - 11:05am EDT
Salon 1

11:10am EDT

ClearlyDefined: A Crowdsourced Database of Licensing Metadata - Nick Vidal, Open Source Initiative & Lynette Rayle, GitHub
Wednesday October 23, 2024 11:10am - 11:40am EDT
ClearlyDefined is a free service and open source project from the Open Source Initiative (OSI) that helps organizations ensure supply chain compliance and security. Generating SBOMs at scale for each stage on the supply chain, for every build or release, has proven to be a real challenge. And fixing the same missing or wrongly identified licensing metadata over and over again has been a redundant pain for everyone. This is where ClearlyDefined shines, as it makes it really easy for organizations to fetch a cached copy of licensing metadata for each component through a simple API and fix any issues, which is always up-to-date thanks to its crowdsourced database. In this session, we'll provide an introduction to ClearlyDefined and discuss the latest developments. We'll provide case studies of how organizations like GitHub, SAP, Microsoft, and Bloomberg are leveraging ClearlyDefined not only for their own needs internally, but for the benefit of all.
avatar for Lynette Rayle

Lynette Rayle

Senior Software Engineer, GitHub
Lynette Rayle is a Senior Software Engineer at GitHub working on license compliance solutions.  She is the technical lead for internal work to accurately identify licenses and attributions for dependencies and has worked on all systems related to the license compliance process.  She... Read More →
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Nick Vidal

Community Manager, Open Source Initiative
Nick Vidal is Community Manager at the Open Source Inititiave and Outreach Chair at the Confidential Computing Consortium from the Linux Foundation. Previously, he was the Director of Community and Business Development at the Open Source Initiative and Director of Americas at the... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 11:10am - 11:40am EDT
Salon 1

11:45am EDT

Project Copacetic: Directly Patch Container Image Vulnerabilities - Ashna Mehrotra, Microsoft
Wednesday October 23, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Software supply chain security is more important than ever. Yet maintaining secure container images is challenging, because patch options can be limited: wait impatiently for third-party image updates to be released, especially for images with multi-publisher dependencies, or perform your own full image rebuild, a time and resource-intensive process. Project Copacetic (Copa) reduces turnaround time and complexity for image patching. Copa integrates into existing build infrastructure, giving users greater control over their patching timeline while reducing costs. Using image scanners like Trivy, Copa generates a vulnerability report and identifies necessary OS-level package updates. Copa then updates your target image using Buildkit (Docker’s default builder) by creating a new patch layer on the original image. Copa can even patch distroless images. We’ll demo Copa, including how to integrate it into pipelines, extend its functionality with scanner formats, and exclude scanners to update all outdated packages. You’ll leave ready to keep your images secure. As a newly accepted CNCF sandbox project, Copa invites you to join the community and advance your software security!
avatar for Ashna Mehrotra

Ashna Mehrotra

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Ashna Mehrotra is a software engineer on the Upstream Security team, working on cloud-native open source security projects at Microsoft.
Wednesday October 23, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Salon 1

2:20pm EDT

Why Is My Software on Fire? - Laurent Goderre, Docker
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:20pm - 2:30pm EDT
Product recalls and Supply Chain Management have been used for decades with great success to help identify the source of unexpected hazards in products (from exploding batteries to spider attracting fuel lines) and protect consumers from these hazards. While developing software can be considerably different than developing and manufacturing physical products, there are lessons to be learned about the importance of properly identifying all the components that are included in a product. In this session, we will cover the importance of versioning both as a consumer and a producer of open source software and its impact on security.
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Laurent Goderre

Software Engineer, Docker
Laurent is a software engineer with over 20 years of experience in software development in the private and public sectors with extensive experience contributing to open source software. Since 2016, he has built and maintained Docker Official Images before joining Docker in 2023 to... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:20pm - 2:30pm EDT
Salon 1

2:35pm EDT

How to Use CNCF’s Falco to Protect Yourself from the New SCARLETEEL Attack! - Parthi Srinivasan & Marat Salakhutdinov, Sysdig
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:35pm - 2:45pm EDT
Recently found SCARLETEEL, a new attack pattern starts from a compromised Kubernetes container and spreads to the victim’s AWS account. Luckily, we have OSS Falco and new plug-in approach can detect this kind of threat in cloud runtime!
avatar for Marat Salakhutdinov

Marat Salakhutdinov

Senior Customer Solutions Architect, Sysdig
Marat has more than 15 years of tech and internet industry experience. Currently, he is a Senior Customer Solutions Engineer devoted to helping customers secure their cloud native platforms and applications. Before joining Sysdig, he was working as a DevOps consultant and delivering... Read More →
avatar for Parthiban Srinivasan

Parthiban Srinivasan

Senior customer success solution architect, Sysdig.com
I specialize in runtime threat detection, delivering impactful strategies and solutions that fortify Fortune 500 companies against evolving security challenges
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:35pm - 2:45pm EDT
Salon 1

2:50pm EDT

Trojan Model Hubs: Hacking the ML Supply Chain & Defending Yourself from Threats - Sam Washko & William Armiros, Protect AI
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm EDT
In this age of open source in machine learning, ML practitioners increasingly rely on public model hubs for downloading foundation models to fine tune instead of creating models from scratch. However, compromised artifacts are very easy to share on these hubs. ML model files are vulnerable to Model Serialization Attacks (MSA), the injection of malicious code that will execute automatically when the file is deserialized. MSAs are the Trojan horses of ML, capable of turning a seemingly innocuous model into a backdoor to your system. So, what can you do about it? In this talk, we explore two strategies to use open-source tools to mitigate the risk of MSAs and other supply chain attacks on ML: model scanning with ModelScan by Protect AI and cryptographic signing with Sigstore by OpenSSF. Model scanning is our window into the black box model files. Cryptographic signatures link an artifact to a source’s identity, backed up by a trusted authority. Scanning and signing are both widely used defenses for traditional software artifacts, but they have not been widely adopted in AI yet. WWe will demonstrate how these tools can bridge the AI/ML security gap, and stop Trojan Horses at the gate.
avatar for William Armiros

William Armiros

Senior Software Engineer, Protect AI
William is a Senior Software Engineer at Protect AI, where he is building systems to help ML engineers and data scientists introduce security into their MLOps workflows effortlessly. Previously, he led a team at AWS working on application observability and distributed tracing. During... Read More →
avatar for Sam Washko

Sam Washko

Senior Software Engineer, Protect AI
Sam Washko is a senior software engineer passionate about the intersection of security and software development. She works for Protect AI developing tools for making machine learning systems more secure. She holds a BS in Computer Science from Duke University, and prior to joining... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm EDT
Salon 1

3:55pm EDT

The Simple, Yet Lethal, Anatomy of a Software Supply Chain Attack - Erez Yalon, Checkmarx
Wednesday October 23, 2024 3:55pm - 4:25pm EDT
While commercial supply chain attacks are becoming more manageable, security teams have a much harder time with open-source software supply chains. This session will provide an attacker's perspective of open-source flows and flaws and dive into several unique supply chain weaknesses. Demos will show the ease of conducting different attacks and provide a perspective on defeating them as defenders.
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Erez Yalon

VP of Security Research, Checkmarx
Erez Yalon is the VP of Security Research at Checkmarx, the Founder of the DEF CON's AppSec Village, and the founder and co-leader of the OWASP API Security Project. Over the years, Erez has been invited to speak at prominent events, including RSAC, Black Hat, DEF CON, and OWASP’s... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 3:55pm - 4:25pm EDT
Salon 1

4:30pm EDT

Future-Proof Your Security Posture: Automating Security Patches and Managing Dependencies with Bots - Nilekh Chaudhari, Microsoft
Wednesday October 23, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
As software products and services increasingly rely on third-party or open-source components, ensuring the security and currency of these dependencies becomes paramount. Development teams must stay ahead of security issues, promptly update dependencies, and be alerted when new vulnerabilities arise. To save time and mitigate risk, it’s crucial to automate the process of updating dependencies with the latest functionality and security patches. Automated pull requests can streamline the process, allowing developers to focus on critical tasks while retaining control over the final merge and production rollout. But how do we achieve this? Enter Dependabot! In this session, Nilekh will demonstrate how to leverage Dependabot (and others like Renovate Bot) to automatically manage Docker image dependencies for Helm charts and native Kubernetes YAML resource files.
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Nilekh Chaudhari

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Nilekh is a Software Engineer at Microsoft, specializing in Kubernetes. He actively contributes to SIG Auth and SIG API Machinery and is a core maintainer of the Secrets Store CSI Driver, the Azure Provider for the Secrets Store CSI Driver, and the Gatekeeper Library project.
Wednesday October 23, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Salon 1
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