October 22-23, 2024 | Atlanta, Georgia USA
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strong>Salon 4 [clear filter]
Tuesday, October 22

11:15am EDT

Building Developer Confidence in Software Security with the DevRel Community - Katherine Druckman, Intel Corporation; Lori Lorusso, Percona; Tabatha DiDomenico, G-Research
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 11:55am EDT
Software is a complex system of tooling, processes, and, ultimately, humans. Ensuring the system's integrity and hardening our software supply chain requires careful configuration at countless steps along the pipeline. The OpenSSF is leading the open source security community to establish tools and best practices. Still, their discovery can be overwhelming and confusing to the developers and open source maintainers who stand to benefit. Join this panel of OpenSSF DevRel Community Volunteers to learn how to navigate the complex waters of the OpenSSF landscape as we work to connect projects and tools with the community. Walk away with a clearer understanding of developer relations and how to get involved.
avatar for Tabatha DiDomenico

Tabatha DiDomenico

Open Source DevRel Engineer, G-Research
Tabatha is an OSS DevRel Engineer at G-Research bringing over two decades of experience in community development, IT, and cybersecurity to the role. She holds an MS in Cybersecurity from the University of South Florida and a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Central... Read More →
avatar for Katherine Druckman

Katherine Druckman

Open Source Evangelist, Intel
Katherine Druckman is an Open Source Evangelist at Intel where she enjoys sharing her passion for a variety of open source topics. She is a long-time open source advocate, developer, and podcaster, and is currently the host of Open at Intel and co-host of the FLOSS Weekly and Reality... Read More →
avatar for Lori Lorusso

Lori Lorusso

Head of Community, Percona
Lori has a passion and enthusiasm for working with the developer and open source community. She is a CNCF Ambassador, former CNCF Marketing Committee Chair, former Chair of the CDF Outreach Marketing Committee, program chair of cdCon 2023, and is active in the OpenSSF devrel committee... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 11:15am - 11:55am EDT
Salon 4

12:00pm EDT

An Inside and Outside Look at the Government’s Ongoing Journey with Open Source Tech - Austen Bryan, Defense Unicorns & Camdon Cady, US Air Force
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm EDT
Outsiders looking in at government software delivery might imagine a cabal of crusty do-nothings plotting the next series of setbacks and delays to deliver to their unwitting users, or a scheming contractor masterfully extracting maximum payment for each feature delivered. Nothing could be further from the truth; in reality the civil service and the commercial ecosystem servicing the government are full of hard-working people navigating a labyrinthine series of financial, contractual, technical, and cybersecurity policies and standards. Open Source software and open technology can be a critical tool for successfully steering a project through that maze in order to deliver a capability to users. In this session, we give real-world examples of the challenges to value delivery in the government, discuss some of the common misperceptions around government use of Open Source, and discuss how the use of Open Source has lead to improved outcomes for users in the Department of Defense. Lastly, we discuss where we think the relationship between the private and public sector is going with respect to Open Source.
avatar for Austen Bryan

Austen Bryan

VP of Product, Defense Unicorns, Defense Unicorns
Austen Bryan, a former Active Duty Air Force officer, has spent most of his career in the DoD’s software development sector. As the VP of Product at Defense Unicorns, he leverages his experience from co-founding LevelUp Code Works and serving as COO for DoD Platform One. Bryan’s... Read More →
avatar for Camdon Cady

Camdon Cady

Platform One CTO, US Air Force
Air Force Officer, long-time nerd, working to revolutionize software deliver for the DoD from the inside.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm EDT
Salon 4

2:00pm EDT

Open & Secure: Novel Sandboxing Technique for Any Open Source Library - Gal Elbaz, Oligo Security
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Security teams from Google to Firefox have taught the security industry a lot about isolating running programs from the broader system through sandboxing, which fundamentally changed the way hackers need to operate to inflict damage on systems. Threat actors today need to be significantly more sophisticated and build a chain of vulnerabilities to escape sandboxes & access critical system resources for exploitation. The consistently growing number of vulnerabilities in OSS packages, imposes an impossible pace of remediation & patching to stay ahead of zero-day threats evolving daily. Enter Open Source Sandboxing. In this talk we’ll present a first of its kind approach, built upon the powerful eBPF and KRSI technologies, that enables you to derive the very same security benefits of browser and web-based, as well as mobile - iOS & Android sandboxing - for any open source library you are running in your stacks. We’ll walk through a code example for how to identify and block exploits.
avatar for Gal Elbaz

Gal Elbaz

CTO & Co-Founder, Oligo Security
Co-founder & CTO at Oligo Security with 10+ years of experience in vulnerability research and practical hacking. He previously worked as a Security Researcher at CheckPoint and served in the IDF Intelligence. In his free time, he enjoys playing CTFs.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Salon 4

2:35pm EDT

Open Source Software (OSS) Transparency for Acquisition - Carol Woody, SEI
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:35pm - 3:05pm EDT
Systems today are primarily assemblies of reused components many of which are Open-Source software. The reuse of software has enabled faster fielding of systems since common components, but all software comes with vulnerabilities, and attackers have expanded their capabilities to exploit them in products that have broad use especially Open Source. How should an organization make appropriate trade-off choices among cost, schedule, and cybersecurity? Over the history of software engineering, we have learned that software metrics for both the process and the product are needed. We have also explored many aspects of cybersecurity measurement and determined that we must be able to measure the processes for developing and using software and how those measurement results affect the product’s cybersecurity. It is insufficient to measure only operational code, its vulnerabilities, and the attendant risk of successful hacks. Relying on the assumption that many eyeballs looking at the software ensures better security is of little value without an understanding of what was analyzed and how knowledgeable were those performing the analysis.
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Carol Woody

Principal Researcher, SEI
Dr. Carol Woody is principal researcher for the CERT division of the Software Engineering Institute. She focuses on cybersecurity engineering for building capabilities and competencies to measure, manage, and sustain cybersecurity and software assurance for highly complex software-reliant... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 2:35pm - 3:05pm EDT
Salon 4

4:10pm EDT

The Future of Secure Open Source Software Starts in K-12 - Rao Lakkakula, JPMorgan Chase
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:10pm - 4:25pm EDT
The future of secure open-source software lies in education, particularly from K-12 and beyond. Imagine a world where students, from their earliest years, are introduced to the principles of open-source collaboration, coding, and cybersecurity. By embedding these skills early, we are not only preparing them for future careers but also cultivating a new generation of developers and innovators who prioritize security. In this talk, Rao and Tunji, would go over how High school and college students can engage in real-world open-source projects, learning the importance of secure coding practices and contributing to global software solutions. Integrating security-focused open-source education fosters a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility. This not only strengthens the software we rely on but also builds a more inclusive, diverse developer community. It's about creating a future where secure, reliable software is the norm, driven by a well-educated, passionate generation committed to making a difference. By investing in education today, we are securing the open-source software of tomorrow. Let's inspire our youth to be the champions of a safer digital future
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Rao Lakkakula

Senior Director, JPMorgan Chase
Rao Lakkakula is Senior Director of Security Engineering at JPMorgan Chase with focus on developer security. Rao has 20+ years of expertise in security and software development with roles spanning from strategy, engineering, risk management, and business intelligence. His prior experience... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:10pm - 4:25pm EDT
Salon 4

4:25pm EDT

5 Things OSS Can Do To Make Life Easier For The Public Sector - Eddie Zaneski, Defense Unicorns
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:25pm - 4:40pm EDT
OSS developers play a crucial role in shaping solutions that impact the public sector. This lightning talk will highlight practical steps maintainers can take to improve adoption and usage for governmental and public service organizations. Join us as we explore how relatively small changes can lead to significant improvements.
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Eddie Zaneski

Staff OSS Engineer, Defense Unicorns
Eddie lives in Denver, CO with his wife and dog. He loves open source and works on the Kubernetes project. When not hacking on random things you'll most likely find him climbing rocks somewhere.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:25pm - 4:40pm EDT
Salon 4

4:45pm EDT

The Current State of SBOMs for End Users - Eddie Zaneski, Defense Unicorns
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:45pm - 5:15pm EDT
Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) have become essential for ensuring transparency, security, and compliance. However, many end users find the current state of SBOMs challenging, with issues like inconsistent formats, lack of real-world guidance, and sparse tooling. The reality is that regulations requiring SBOMs can often be satisfied with an empty JSON file or a handwritten word document that the recipient doesn't really know what to do with. Despite these challenges, SBOMs hold significant promise for enhancing software security. This talk will highlight ongoing efforts to improve SBOM practices, emphasizing the importance of collaboration among specification designers, regulators, and developers. We'll explore how OpenSSF projects like Protobom and bomctl are attempting to provide a foundation for the tooling end users need. By focusing on these initiatives and promoting best practices, we can work towards a future where SBOMs are not just regulatory checkboxes, but powerful tools for software management and security.
avatar for Eddie Zaneski

Eddie Zaneski

Staff OSS Engineer, Defense Unicorns
Eddie lives in Denver, CO with his wife and dog. He loves open source and works on the Kubernetes project. When not hacking on random things you'll most likely find him climbing rocks somewhere.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 4:45pm - 5:15pm EDT
Salon 4

5:20pm EDT

Mastering Dependency Management in C/C++ with Vcpkg: Secure and Simplified OSS Integration - Pablo Rodriguez Avila, Microsoft
Tuesday October 22, 2024 5:20pm - 5:50pm EDT
During this session, I will introduce Vcpkg, a powerful tool for consuming open-source software (OSS) in C and C++ applications. Vcpkg allows you to integrate your favorite libraries in a secure, compliant, and straightforward manner. This open-source project is backed by both the community and Microsoft, ensuring robust support and continuous improvement. I will demonstrate how Vcpkg enhances the security of your Software Supply Chain and discuss the key advantages of using it. Additionally, I will provide a short tutorial on using Vcpkg to install a C++ library and integrate it into your C++ project with CMake. Vcpkg supports and encourages the consumption of popular OSS libraries such as OpenTelemetry, gRPC, OpenSSL, and many more. Thanks to Vcpkg, you can access hundreds of libraries, including your favorite CNCF projects!
avatar for Pablo Rodriguez Avila

Pablo Rodriguez Avila

Pablo Rodriguez, Software Engineer at Microsoft, Microsoft
Hello! My name is Pablo, and I am currently a Software Engineer at Microsoft. I have always been passionate about writing software, and in the past few years, my focus has shifted towards Observability. Currently, I work on Azure Monitoring at Microsoft, where I help organizations... Read More →
Tuesday October 22, 2024 5:20pm - 5:50pm EDT
Salon 4
Wednesday, October 23

11:10am EDT

Navigating the Open Source Policy Labyrinth: Unraveling Global Policy Efforts for a Secure Future - Dan Lorenc, Chainguard
Wednesday October 23, 2024 11:10am - 11:40am EDT
OSS underpins the digital infrastructure of our society, ensuring its security has never been more critical. This talk will delve into the intricate web of public policy initiatives aimed at enhancing the security of OSS. From the President’s EO on Cybersecurity in the US to the ambitious EU Cyber Resiliency Act, we will explore how these pivotal regulations are shaping the landscape of software security. We will also shed light on forward-thinking policy initiatives such as Secure by Design, SLSA, and Software Self Attestation, examining how they complement and reinforce existing legislation. By weaving together these diverse strands of policy, this session will provide a comprehensive overview of the current policy ecosystem, highlighting both the connectedness of these initiatives and uncovering potential gaps and areas where there is significant disconnect. As the world grapples with the complexities of building and securing OSS, understanding the global policy landscape becomes essential for developers, policymakers, and industry leaders alike. Join me to gain a clear perspective on how policy efforts are converging to create a more secure and resilient open source future.
avatar for Dan Lorenc

Dan Lorenc

CEO and Co-Founder, Chainguard
Dan Lorenc is co-founder and CEO of Chainguard, a leading software supply chain security company. He started projects like Minikube, Skaffold, and Kaniko to make containers easy and fun, then got so worried about the state of OSS supply-chains he helped found the Tekton and Sigstore... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 11:10am - 11:40am EDT
Salon 4

11:45am EDT

Evolution of Risk-Management in Software - Vincent Danen, Red Hat
Wednesday October 23, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Over the last 50 years, technology has evolved to become critical and indispensable to industries and communities around the globe. Security practices have changed in reaction to these evolutions, yet not to the same degree. Security continues to play catchup in a number of areas and we continue to hang onto old and demonstrably inefficient practices in some areas, such as vulnerability (or patch) management. How do we reconcile the need to reduce risk while investing in future technology innovations and how do we ensure finite resources target real, and not perceived, threats?
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Vincent Danen

Vice President, Red Hat Product Security, Red Hat
Vincent Danen lives in Canada and is the Vice President of Product Security at Red Hat. He joined Red Hat in 2009 and has been working in the security field, specifically around Linux, operating security and vulnerability management, for over 20 years.
Wednesday October 23, 2024 11:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Salon 4

1:45pm EDT

Beyond the CVE: Operationalizing SBOMs for Risk-Based Component Analysis - Cortez Frazier Jr., FOSSA
Wednesday October 23, 2024 1:45pm - 2:15pm EDT
One of the common themes in new regulations related to software bill of materials (SBOMs) is the need to go beyond inventorying only software packages and their known vulnerabilities. The FDA, for example, requires end-of-life (EOL) and level-of-support information for all components. PCI DSS 4.0 requires component inventories to be used to “facilitate” vulnerability management, which is another area where understanding package health can be useful. But getting EOL and level-of-support information can be challenging for open source components. How do you determine the EOL date for a project maintained by a scattered network of developers? How do you assess support level? How do you proactively plan refactor efforts for software packages that haven’t been updated for years? This session will explore tangential risk indicators beyond CVEs, data sources for obtaining support status in open source components, strategies for proactive application refactors, and how to communicate these health signals in your SBOMs.
avatar for Cortez Frazier Jr

Cortez Frazier Jr

Principal Product Manager, FOSSA
Cortez Frazier Jr. is a Principal Product Manager at FOSSA. He leads development for the company’s SBOM (software bill of materials) and vulnerability management solutions. Before joining FOSSA, Cortez served as product lead for all of Puppet’s SaaS-based products, primarily within... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 1:45pm - 2:15pm EDT
Salon 4

2:20pm EDT

Policy as Code: Access Control Security Done Right - Raz Cohen, Permit.io
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:20pm - 2:50pm EDT
In today's fast-paced world of software development, building a product might be straightforward, but ensuring its security is a distinct challenge.

Dive into the world of "Policy as Code" and uncover the transformative power of integrating an authorization layer directly into your codebase.

From highlighting the significance of security (with a nod to the OWASP Top Ten) to delving into the nuances of access control models like ABAC, RBAC, and REBAC, this talk offers a comprehensive look at the landscape of policy-driven security. Furthermore, attendees will gain insights into the capabilities and distinctions of leading policy engines, including OPA, AWS Cedar, and OpenFGA.

In our modern era of application development, policies aren't just a choice—they are a mandate.

Discover how you can seamlessly embed them into your workflow and bolster your stack's security.

 Join me and elevate your security game to the next level!
avatar for Raz Cohen

Raz Cohen

Core Tech Lead, Permit.io
I'm Raz Cohen, Head of Platform at Permit.io. With over eight years in Kubernetes, cloud-native solutions, open-source projects, Python, and Golang, I've become a specialist in Developer Tools. I've spoken at tech events like KubeCon EU Paris 2024 Cloud Native London, OpenSecurity... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:20pm - 2:50pm EDT
Salon 4

2:50pm EDT

PEP 740 and PyPI: Bootstrapping Provenance for the Python Ecosystem - William Woodruff, Trail of Bits
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm EDT
PyPI is the official package index for the Python programming language, and one of the largest OSS package indices, serving over 1.2 billion downloads of over 500,000 unique packages each day to millions of Python developers and hundreds of millions of downstream users. As the cornerstone of a massive and diverse language ecosystem, changes to PyPI's security posture (and security features offered) represent a significant operational challenge, one shared by indices of similar size and criticality (such as NPM, RubyGems, and Crates). This talk is about one such change in PyPI's security posture: the creation and (ongoing) implementation of PEP 740, or "Index support for digital attestations." This talk will go through the details of PEP 740, how it relates to (and integrates with) standards like Sigstore, in-toto, and SLSA, and how PyPI (and Python packaging more broadly) is using PEP 740 to "bootstrap" strong, maintainer digital provenance for Python packages on top of PyPI's pre-existing support for Trusted Publishing, without the traditional downsides of key and identity management, complex signing ceremonies, and so forth.
avatar for William Woodruff

William Woodruff

Engineering Director, Trail of Bits
William Woodruff is an Engineering Director at Trail of Bits, a NYC-based consultancy. He splits his time between OSS engineering and running the Ecosystem Security group, which is responsible for contributing security and usability improvements to a wide range of OSS tools and services... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm EDT
Salon 4

3:55pm EDT

Supply-Chain Security, Outside in: What Helping ~200 Projects Improve Their Security Looks Like - Pedro Nacht & Diogo Teles Sant'Anna, Google
Wednesday October 23, 2024 3:55pm - 4:25pm EDT
The greatest challenge in open-source supply-chain security is how unrewarding it feels. Maintainers have to do the vast majority of the work necessary to improve a repository's supply-chain security. But – other than the satisfaction of a job well done – they get almost no benefit from it. Supply-chain security improvements don't add features, squash bugs, or improve performance, etc… Instead, the benefits fall entirely on the package's consumers, who can feel safe depending on that package. In 2023, the Google Open Source Security Team (GOSST) began work to help maintainers carry this burden. We approached ~200 open-source projects of critical importance to the ecosystem, hoping to help them improve their supply-chain security. This presentation will describe the philosophy behind the team's approach, our overall results (500+ contributions, 90% accepted!), and key lessons learned. We hope to inspire you – consumer, maintainer, or someone who's just interested in this sort of thing – to learn from our mistakes and outdo our successes. Help us help maintainers keep open-source secure.
avatar for Pedro Nacht

Pedro Nacht

Software Engineer, Google
Professionally... I've been around. A structural engineer by training, I quickly moved to writing engineering software. After completing an MBA, I became a financial data analyst. Hoping to make more of an impact, I joined Google's Open Source Security Team (GOSST). In GOSST's Upstream... Read More →
avatar for Diogo Teles Sant'Anna

Diogo Teles Sant'Anna

Software Engineer at Google, Google
Passionate about technology, I began my studies on Computer Engineering in 2016 at University of Campinas(UNICAMP, Brazil), and now I'm working as a Software Engineer at Google. Since 2022, I work at Google Open Source Security Team(GOSST).
Wednesday October 23, 2024 3:55pm - 4:25pm EDT
Salon 4

4:30pm EDT

Role-Based Access Is so Yesterday: Revolutionizing Authorization with Open FGA - Kiah Imani, Auth0 by Okta
Wednesday October 23, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Traditional role-based access control (RBAC) systems just don't cut it for modern, complex applications. In this talk, we'll dive into how Open FGA, an open-source fine-grained authorization solution, tackles these challenges head-on. We'll highlight the shortcomings of RBAC and show how Open FGA uses relationship-based access control (ReBAC) to offer a more flexible and detailed approach. You'll see how this tool can boost security, performance, and access management across various systems. If you’re curious to learn why the future of authorization is fine-grained and how Open FGA is paving the way, you don’t want to miss this session.
avatar for Kiah Imani

Kiah Imani

Sr. Developer Advocate, Auth0 by Okta
Kiah is a developer who advocates for all things identity at Auth0. She is a public speaker who regularly presents at conferences and is a self-proclaimed opinionated knowledge seeker. Kiah has 13 years of experience covering both engineering and business roles and prides herself... Read More →
Wednesday October 23, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Salon 4
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